
作者:追风剑情 发布于:2017-9-30 17:10 分类:C#

示例: 扩展方法

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace EnumTest1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FileAttributes fa = FileAttributes.System;
            fa = fa.Set(FileAttributes.ReadOnly);
            fa = fa.Clear(FileAttributes.System);


    internal static class FileAttributesExtensionMethods
        public static Boolean IsSet(this FileAttributes flags, FileAttributes flagToTest)
            if (flagToTest == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("flagToTest", "Value must not be 0");
            return (flags & flagToTest) == flagToTest;

        public static Boolean IsClear(this FileAttributes flags, FileAttributes flagToTest)
            if(flagToTest == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("flagToTest", "Value must not be 0");
            return !IsSet(flags, flagToTest);

        public static Boolean AnyFlagsSet(this FileAttributes flags, FileAttributes testFlags)
            return (flags & testFlags) != 0;

        public static FileAttributes Set(this FileAttributes flags, FileAttributes setFlags)
            return flags | setFlags;

        public static FileAttributes Clear(this FileAttributes flags, FileAttributes clearFlags)
            return flags & ~clearFlags;

        public static void ForEach(this FileAttributes flags, Action<FileAttributes> processFlag)
            if (processFlag == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processFlag");
            for(UInt32 bit = 1; bit != 0; bit <<= 1)
                UInt32 temp = ((UInt32)flags) & bit;
                if (temp != 0)



标签: C#

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